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Showing posts with the label Different layouts

Different types of layouts/Linear, Table,Relative and Frame Layout

Different types of layouts in android/Layout tutorials/android basics:layouts,linear,table,frame and relative layout When you create a new project, you might see a folder “layout” in the res folder (/res/layout). This directory contains the xml files needed for your application. In addition to the main.xml (which is created automatically while creating a new project), you can create as much of xml file needed for your application.  You can arrange widgets such as buttons, TextView, edit text and more and more in these xml files. By using “Layouts”, you can arrange these widgets and views in various manners. Different Layouts are Linear Layout- Horizontal & Vertical Table Layout Relative Layout Frame Layout Linear Layout-Horizontal & Vertical These layouts are used when we need to arrange the widgets/views in a horizontal or vertical manner. The direction of arrangement can be set to horizontal or vertical, by default its being horizontal. Vertical Layout <? xml versi...