WebView in Android/ Access webview/Loading webview in Android/sample program to load web Using WebView, we can access the web easily. In order to implement webview, add webview in main.xml <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <WebView xmlns:android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id = "@+id/webview" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "fill_parent" /> Now add some 2 lines of codes in your main activity page mWebView = ( WebView ) findViewById ( R . id . webview ); mWebView . loadUrl ( "http://www.google.com" ); Then add permission to the manifest file to access internet <uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> Run your application.. You can also access Internet by calling intent Uri uri = Uri . parse ( "http://www.example.com" ); Intent intent = new Intent ( Intent . ACTIO...
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