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Showing posts with the label Obtaining Google Map API key for Android

Obtaining Google Map API key for Android/Using Google Map in Android/ Setting UP of release API Key for Google Map in Android

Obtaining API key for Google Map View in Android/MD5 fingerprint key/Google map in android Google map application is bundled with Android platform. We can customize Google map in many ways  such as changing views, adding markers and more.  In order to use Google map in your android app, you need to apply for a free Google Maps API key. To apply for a key,locate SDK debug certificate located in the default folder ( "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Android\debug.keystore" . )For easiness, copy debug.keystore file to a folder in C( for example, create a folder called " C:\Android " ). Using this key, you can extract MD5 finger print using the keytool.exe application included with your jdk installation. You can locate keytool.exe from “ C:\Program Files\Java\<JDK_version_number>\bin ”  To get the Google Map API KEY Create a folder named “android” in your c drive and copy debug.keystore file( "C:\Document...