Grid View with text in android /Grid View Example in android/ Simple grid View in android Using grid View we can display items in two dimensional, scrollable grids. Grid view can be used in many ways. We can display text using grid view (very simple when compared to other grid view). First create a project and name it as you like. Then go to the main.xml file (I think you may now familiar with xml and other application resource stuffs). Then open the graphic layout, select composite and drag “Grid View” in to the page. Quite simple, right?? The code look like this.. <GridView xmlns:android = "" android:id = "@+id/gridView1" android:numColumns = "auto_fit" android:gravity = "center" android:columnWidth = "50dp" android:stretchMode = "columnWidth" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "fill...
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