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Showing posts with the label Receive sms program

How to receive Sms in android/SMSReceiver in android

How to receive Sms in android/SMSReceiver in android We can create a sample smsreceiver application, so that whenever a new sms comes to the mobile, our app will display a toast about the message. In this example, you need not to create an activity. The only class needed is Broadcast Receiver. Broadcast Receiver will wait for a desired intent and executes when the condition reached.  In our example, the broadcast receiver will automatically loads whenever an sms is received. To do this, you need to create intent filter in your manifest file < intent-filter >                 < action android:name = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />                             </ intent-filter > package com.example.smsreceiver; import android.c...